How to create coupons

Go to your dashboard, press products and under the dropdown press coupons

After you’re in the products page, press add new coupon

Coupon categories


Coupon code

  • The code your customers will use for the coupon.

Coupon value

  • When it’s fixed amount, the discount is one-time only. This means that regardless of what is purchased, the discount will only be applied once per product. (If a product is 10€ and your discount is 2€, we will charge 8€ for every product regardless of quantity)
  • When it’s percentage, the discount is discounted on the overall order. An example that replicates the behavior above would be 20%.

Start & End Date

  • Select the date from when your coupon will start/stop working (keep in mind it’s not your local time, rather server time, which is set at UTC+0)

Payment Methods

  • Select the payment methods which this discount will work on. (When none are selected, all payment methods are allowed)


  • Select the products which this discount will work on. (When none are selected, all products will have the discount)